Running the flats
Elm Bank Mansions is managed jointly by the chartered surveyors, Michael Richards (MR), alongside the freehold company of resident shareholders, Elm Bank Mansions Ltd (EBML), represented by a voluntary management committee of shareholders.
While MR handles the day-to-day running of the flats, collects the service charges, administers statutory notices, and oversees building maintenance, EBML directs strategies, policies and new developments in consultation with MR and the residents. For a quick guide on who to call for what, see the visual A–Z here, alongside the Emergencies page. For a full guide on the communal facilities and services at Elm Bank Mansions, see Living at EBM.
Managing agent Michael Richards & Co
Day 020 8232 6620
Night 0203 837 7007
Porter (Vanya Misheva)
0208 876 5039
EBML committee
[email protected]
Company secretary
Temporarily Annie Wrenn
[email protected]
Managing agent Michael Richards & Co Company secretary Rodgers & Burton
Block and flat issues

For block repairs (e.g flickering lights), please alert the porter.
For buildings’ insurance, contact MR.
For communal keys, ask MR or the porter.
For inter-flat problems, such as leaks, please consult MR.
For pest control, contact MR.
For planned structural changes to your flat, please ask MR for the requisite formal consent – see Living at EBM/building works.

Emergency helplines?
For a full list of emergency helplines, go to the Emergencies page.
Out-of-hours communal crises?
If you experience an out-of-hours flat or block issue, such as an inter-flat leak, contact MR’s night-time emergency line (0203 837 7007), also listed on the Emergencies page, along with general advice on water leaks or loss.

Elm Bank Mansions is owned by Elm Bank Mansions Ltd (EBML), a mutual company set up by resident shareholders to administer the freehold. EBML is represented by a management committee of voluntary shareholders elected at each AGM. For more on the committee, please contact [email protected]
Funds and finances

Back in the 1900s, when Elm Bank Mansions was built, banking was a leisurely affair. For faster payments, go online at
Freehold funds?
The reserve freehold funds (FF) are managed by the company accountants, Leigh, Saxton, Green, alongside EBML.
Service charges?
Your service charges (SC) are collected and managed by MR, who provide an annual service charge budget and accounts.
Year-end accounts
Annual accounts are lodged with Companies House every December. You can also see past accounts at members/annual reports or by contacting the Temporary Company Secretary, [email protected].

Bright ideas?
If you have any ideas on improvements to the building or communal facilities, please get in touch with EBML. For updates on all ongoing projects, check out members/project updates.
If you’re concerned about anything affecting your life at EBM, please first get in touch with MR, then [email protected].
Lease matters

A and B shares
If you have any questions about your lease or A and B shares, please contact the Temporary Company Secretary at [email protected].
Lease extensions
The bulk of the leases were extended to 999-year leases with a share of the freehold in the early 2000s. If, however, you have a short lease that you’d like to extend, please contact the Temporary Company Secretary at [email protected].
Managing agents

Michael Richards & Co (MR)
A professional firm of chartered surveyors and property managers, MR have managed Elm Bank Mansions, alongside EBML, since the early 2000s. For more on MR and their services, check out their website
Porter’s office

Elm Bank Mansions’ porter
If you have any queries on day-to-day maintenance or security, call the porter or visit his office (see map here).
A–Z: 1900s bank: © Unknown / Swiss Bank Corporation [Public domain]; Bulb: Jonas Bengtsson from Malmö, Sweden [CC BY 2.0 (]; Aerial view of the gravel shrubbery @ Gerallt Owen/ebm; Deeds: © Derek Courlthard/ebm; Remainder: ©bcw private collection. All rights reserved.